From the Times, reworded and written by John Delaney, Webmaster of MacScene and iFoneSite:
Friday, April 18, 2008
3G iPhone
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Site Change: MacScene
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Update: FW2.0
iPhone 2.0 FW
Monday, March 31, 2008
Announcing: Merger
Thursday, March 27, 2008
iPhone SDK Updated
Today apple release an updated version of their Iphones SDK (software development kit) the updated version of the IPhone SDK includes Interface Builder, Xcode IDE, Instruments, IPhone simulator, frameworks and samples, compilers, and Shark analysis tool.
To test your code directly on IPhone and distribute your application on the App Store, apply to the IPhone Developer Program.
Apple released the first version of the iPhone SDK on March 6th. The SDK allows developers to create their own applications. The applications will be available for download when the 2.0 Iphone Software Update is realesed, in june. MacMatte speculated that the 2.0 released with the accompaniment of an newer iphone, find the post Here. The download page is here
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
iPhone 2.0
By now, most of our reads have heard of the fabled Iphone 2 but as I found out may people do not know what it’s is happening. Steve jobs has confirmed that the Iphone 2 is in the works but didn’t give any details but CEO of AT&T, Randall Stephenson accidentally leaked information that his company was working with Apple to create a 3G compatible Iphone. Confirming many 3g Iphone rumors. For all those that don’t know what 3g is, 3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology, Typically, service providers, provide service at 5-10 Mb per second.(megabits) the higher speeds allow users to have access to a wider array o features such as video calling and high speed internet everywhere. But there have been other flurries of rumors suggesting GPS will be on the Iphone 2 but this seems unlikely, with a 3g chip already eating away at the Iphones battery a GPS chip will definitely cripple the Iphone. Also on that matter apple already signed a contract with Skyhook for the “maps with location” feature of 1.1.3. my views an this matter are that most likely we will see a new Iphone at WWDC (apple’s World Wide Developers Conference) as depicted in the WWDC invitation (two bridges one for Mac one for Iphone) so stay tuned for more updates.
Don’t forget to visit my BETA site MacMatte
Email me for any questions or suggestions @
JavaScript Code Locks up iPod touches/iPhones
a new exploit of safari always maliciously code to lock up you iphone or ipod touch or cause safari to crash in mac/pc. Unlike an earlier exploit that required users to click to become infected, the new code published by iPhoneWorld requires no user interaction. so far apple has had no comment.
The code was first reported in January and exhausts the memory in Safari, which in turn will cause your iPhone or iPod Touch to freeze, or your desktop Safari to crash."Given the nature of this issue," said the BugTraq newsgroup vulnerability report, "remote code execution may also be possible, but this has not been confirmed."
There is no patch available from Apple. The recommended workaround is to disable Javascript within Safari. To do so:
1. Under Edit, click Preferences.
2. Click the Security icon.
3. Uncheck Enable JavaScript.
4. Close and restart Safari.
Don’t forget to visit my website, MacMatte
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Jailbreak and Unlock 1.1.4 iPhone/iPod touch
Monday, March 17, 2008
Website Change
- Cleaner Layout
- Easy Jailbreak Page
- Disclaimer/Privacy Policy (Coming Soon)
- Guestbook (Coming Soon)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
1.1.4 Jailbreak (Updated) - iPhone/iPod touch
we've all seen the "BSD root: md0, major 2, minor 0" error and there is even a thread here that talks about it:
bottom line, ZiPhone does NOT work with the 16GB iPod Touch... for now.
But I have just figured out how to get 1.1.4 jailbreak to work on my 16GB Touch and wanted to share with everyone how to do it. (I've been at this for the last 2 days but it has paid off)
1. You MUST downgrade to firmware 1.1.1 (just download the images of all the firmware files 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4 off the internet for future use). Using iTunes i clicked on RESTORE holding the SWIFT key (yes I'm running Windows XP Pro)
2. Once the iPod Touch is back to running 1.1.1 I went to and installed the Installer (I think we've all done this at some point). TURN OFF AUTO-LOCK!!!!! (this is VERY VERY important, its in the SETTINGS, GENERAL section)
3. Here is what I installed:
***a. Install "Community Sources"
***b. Install BSD Subsystem 2.1
***c. Install BSD Subsystem 2.0 termfix
***d. Install “OktoPrep” which preps your iPod Touch for firmware 1.1.2
4. Go to iTunes and UPGRADE (NOT RESTORE) using the shift key again to 1.1.2
5. This would be a good time to go on the internet and get the file you will need this next. (google it)
( make sure you still have these installed )
***a. "Community Sources"
***b. "BSD Subsystem 2.1"
***c. "BSD Subsystem 2.0 termfix"
6. Turn off iTunes (be sure it is not running in the task manager) Unzip the file and (FIRST MAKE SURE AUTO-LOCK IS TURNED OFF ON THE IPOD TOUCH) then run "windows.bat" on your 1.1.2 Touch. It should find it and start the process... I highly recommend you just leave it alone and have it plugged into the USB port for power (the last thing you want is to run out of power during this process).
7. Once this is done (it will reboot a couple of times so be sure to let it finish) you are now running 1.1.2 Jailbreak. Now go back to the installer icon (which will now reappear on the main menu indicating the jailbreak worked). go to SOURCES and EDIT, then ADD. type in "" this case sensitive so MAKE SURE IT IS SPELLED CORRECTLY. Let the sources refresh.
8. I went out of Installer and let the system refresh too, then went back inside Installer. Now go to INSTALL and find BSD subsystem (easiest is to find it in ALL PACKAGES) make sure to install it. (there may be 2 BSD packages, just install them both if it lets you)
9. Go back to the main list and look for MOBILE JAILBREAK. This would have been there before (if you added the source correctly) but the actual app errors out "ERROR, Main script execution failded!" unless you install the BSD Subsystem FIRST. (AGAIN, DOUBLE CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT AUTO-LOCK IS STILL OFF) If you do this right, when you execute the 1.1.2-1.1.4 jailbreak in the MOBILE JAILBREAK section this will start without any errors.
This takes a WHILE... at least 20 minutes. I highly suggest not running this off battery as there is a very good chance you will run out of power. I kept mine pugged into my USB port (ITUNES STAYS OFF). During the whole process... it is 100% AUTOMATIC so when it is done it will simply restart and THATS IT!!! You will see that you are now running 1.1.4 Jailbreak, with all the APPS (mail, stocks, weather, etc)... :-) !
"your ipod "ipod" could not be restored an unknown error has occured (1)"?
Use this tutorial:
(I don't know if you guys like linking to other sites its just a really annoying error).
OktoPrep isn't on the list of installable apps?
SHIFT CLICK the Update BUTTON to do manual updates I feel he didn't describe it that well.
Friday, March 14, 2008
1.1.4 Jailbreak
Step Two: Launch ZiPhone
Faxing and Document Managment
NES Emulators on iPhone?
Says David Pogue ( Waxing enthusiastic about the forthcoming iPhone 2.0 software, Pogue explains that following its release, “there will be thousands of iPhone programs, covering every possible interest.” And they’ll be available 24/7 since “Apple will preinstall the iPhone Apps Store right on every phone.” The move will turn iPhone into “an engineering tool, a game console, a free-calls Skype phone, a business tool, a dating service, an e-book reader, a chat room, a database, an Etch-a-Sketch,” and, Pogue predicts “a gigantic success.
Note the Game Console in there; that means licensed emulators!
Friday, March 7, 2008
SDK is out...
Please put comments! Any help is appreciated!
Yes, it's that time of the year, the SDK is out! From android6011;
The first thing I know is going to cause an uproar is the fact that iPod Touch users will have to pay for the update. As an iPot owner, I don't want to pay any more money, but the fact is if it weren't for Apple trying to please enterprise owners and keep their costs lower, a fee would be charged all around. Since enterprises typically purchase iPhones in mass quantities its appealing to know there won't be future fees on top of the initial cost and a massive monthly bill.
Now, I would HIGHLY recommend anyone delaying buying the January App Pack since it will most likely be included in the 2.0 update you are going to have to pay for anyway, and I'm not sure if they will update the January App Pack to include the enterprise features like exchange.
The next thing, JUNE. Ya, I know...June... there is already speculation that the update will be rolled out on top of a 3G iPhone, which makes a lot of sense. So holding off the update until a 3G iPhone is ready would be a smart move on their part, not the most appealing, but good for them.
Application cost to me seems like a fair deal. The great news is that Apple will allow for free applications if the developer chooses, which probably justifies the reason for the cost to enter the development cycle.
As far as Apple limiting applications to that of their choosing, well I guess we will have to wait and see how their choosing affects the applications that make it. One thing I was extremely pleased and almost surprised by was in reference to Voip. "We will only limit over cellular -- if you want to dev them for WiFi, that's fine." The reason for limiting over cellular is obvious, ATT doesn't want you using data so you can avoid paying for their phone coverage.
However, over wifi is still a huge step, since now I would be willing to put money on Skype or GizmoProject developing a Voip Application, which may lead to an official mic etc. Since these services charge for out minutes the application would most likely be free anyway so I really look forward to that.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
NEW: Easy 1.1.4 Jailbreak
Way easier than our first post: Jailbreak 1.1.3
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Why is everyone talking about Virtualization?
- Sponsored by Microsoft
[ For an in-depth review of the iPhone, see "iPhone: The $1,975 iPod" ]
Until March 6, when the SDK is officially released, the fog of rumor will only get thicker. In the meantime, one thing is clear: iPhone popularity has executives, salespeople, even members of your IT staff hot to connect their iPhones to business resources. And AT&T’s Jan. 21 introduction of an iPhone-based data plan for businesses has them hungry for you to make good on their desires.
Whatever the impending iPhone SDK accomplishes out of the gate, the fact is that most IT organizations can bring the iPhone into their operations easily and with acceptable risk. Yes, instinct and analysts such as Forrester Research caution against such a move. After all, the iPhone is not designed for the enterprise and does have deficits IT should be concerned about. But a strict “no iPhone policy” is likely to drive users to perform more dangerous hacks, such as setting up Google and Yahoo accounts as way stations to connect to enterprise assets -- contacts and e-mail, in particular.
Instead, investigate what is possible before establishing your iPhone policy. And remember: Apple updated the iPhone software several times in its first six months, fixing some significant deficits that early reviews pointed out. No panacea, but such updates may mean the iPhone has fewer business-oriented caveats than you initially thought.
But where to begin gearing up the iPhone for business? How can you satisfy executive demands to make the iPhone fit for corporate essentials? For those looking to get a jump on business-enabling the iPhone, here’s a handy guide on what’s currently possible, and how to get it done. (Note that everything here applies to the iPhone’s voiceless cousin, the iPod Touch with the January 2008 software update.)
[ For an in-depth review of the iPod Touch, see "iPod touch: Because I demanded it, and it's good for other people, too" ]
Accessing corporate e-mail
IBM’s promise of a Lotus Notes client for the iPhone remains unfulfilled. And an Exchange client from Microsoft has yet to rear its head. But, if your business uses either system, you can provide e-mail access via POP3 or IMAP, popular protocols that many businesses already support. In either case, the iPhone’s Mail setup is where to begin configuring host addresses, user names, passwords, and SSL authentication.
A tip for Exchange: Even though the Mail setup includes an Exchange pane, don’t use it. Use IMAP instead; the Exchange pane doesn’t work. (Even Apple’s support pages say to use the IMAP pane.)
Many businesses prefer IMAP over POP3 because IMAP provides greater control over message management, such as keeping the mail folders synchronized as mail is moved on any client. The iPhone will connect to the IMAP server and detect most settings automatically, making setup easy in most cases.
You can adjust the SSL settings, IMAP path prefix, server port, and other such settings by scrolling down to the Advanced portion of an individual mail account’s setup area. Note that the iPhone’s SSL options have been significantly enhanced from the first iteration’s number-only token scheme.
Galen Gruman is executive editor of InfoWorld.Tuesday, February 26, 2008
1.1.4 Released
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
SDK Imminent!
Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers' hands in February. We are excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users. With our revolutionary multi-touch interface, powerful hardware and advanced software architecture, we believe we have created the best mobile platform ever for developers.
It will take until February to release an SDK because we're trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once — provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc. This is no easy task. Some claim that viruses and malware are not a problem on mobile phones — this is simply not true. There have been serious viruses on other mobile phones already, including some that silently spread from phone to phone over the cell network. As our phones become more powerful, these malicious programs will become more dangerous. And since the iPhone is the most advanced phone ever, it will be a highly visible target.
Some companies are already taking action. Nokia, for example, is not allowing any applications to be loaded onto some of their newest phones unless they have a digital signature that can be traced back to a known developer. While this makes such a phone less than "totally open," we believe it is a step in the right direction. We are working on an advanced system which will offer developers broad access to natively program the iPhone's amazing software platform while at the same time protecting users from malicious programs.
We think a few months of patience now will be rewarded by many years of great third party applications running on safe and reliable iPhones.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Stolen iPhones on Black Market
The assertion may seem misplaced in a country where Apple has yet to introduce the iPhone. The device is officially on sale only in the U.S., Britain, France, and Germany, where Apple has signed exclusive contracts with cellular carriers including AT&T. Yet Li's booming business is the very real byproduct of pent-up demand for a much-hyped device made by a company that places strict limits on where and how it's sold.
And Li represents only a sliver of the intricate, widening global iPhone gray market that encompasses no-name importer-exporters in China, a semiconductor maker in Eastern Europe, businessmen in the Midwest and Australia, and "runners" enlisted to buy as many iPhones as they can from stores run by Apple and its partners in the U.S. and Western Europe. And, of course, there are countless small retailers willing to buy and then sell iPhones at jacked-up prices to consumers worldwide.
Prague at the Epicenter
Sources confirm analyst reports that 800,000 to 1 million iPhones, or about one-fourth of the total sold, are "unlocked" -- that is, altered to be able to run on networks other than those of Apple's exclusive partners.
This iPhone aftermarket didn't take long to develop. By the time the device went on sale on June 29, 2007, software hackers and companies that specialize in unlocking cell phones were already searching for ways to make the iPhone work on nonsanctioned networks. Within weeks, online forums were buzzing with an answer that emanated from a tiny company based in Prague, Czech Republic.
Pavel Zaboj is a 36-year-old former math student who together with friends developed an electronic device called Turbo SIM that was designed to turn cell phones into mobile payment systems. Turns out Turbo SIM could also be used to trick the iPhone into thinking it's operating on AT&T's network. By mid-August, Zaboj's 10-person firm, Bladox, was being flooded with orders, particularly from Canada and Mexico, where Apple addicts didn't have to venture far to get an iPhone. Bladox was totally unprepared, and couldn't fill the orders that rolled in. "We just sat their open-mouthed," Zaboj says. (continued... [read at NewsFactor)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Worth Repeating: iPhone Unlocked, Accidently?
From The iPhone Blog >>
A reader sent me the following comment. I have no way of testing this myself, so take it for what it’s worth. If anyone else can verify this process please contact me, or post a comment here immediately.
I accidently figured out how to unlock an iPhone for use without charge from AT&T, but with full support of the phones features including WiFi, but no AT&T service.
1.) Obtain 2 iPhones
2.) Plug in iPhone #1 In iTunes select “I am a new AT&T Wireless Customer” and “Activate 2 or more phones on an individual or FamilyTalk Plan.”
3.) Follow the steps for the FamilyTalk plan and enter “Cell Number X” to port a number over from another provider (e.g. Sprint)
4.) When the you receive the “Activation Complete” e-mail, plug in iPhone #2.
5.) Select the option “I am an existing AT&T (Cingular) wireless customer” and “Replace a phone on my account with this iPhone”
6.) Fill in the information re-using “Cell Number X.” Allow the iPhone #2 to activate using this number. This number will be legit.
7.) Plug in iPhone #2, it will unlock the phone for use, but without a cell phone number assigned or account from AT&T.Disclaimer: I found this by sheer stupidity, as I plugged in the wrong phone during the activation processI accidently figured out how to unlock an iPhone for use without charge from AT&T, but with full support of the phones features including WiFi, but no AT&T service.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Three Things of Note
Thursday, February 7, 2008
iPhone=Bad? - Nokia
Who would have thought Nokia doesn't like what the iPhone ended up to be? I was one of the guys that had at least a small suspicion that they don't really have a soft spot for Apple's cellphone. No wonder because they haven't taken an official statement regarding that device since it was unveiled during the Steve Jobs' keynote
at MacWorld, in the beginning of January.
Why are they saying the iPhone is no good? Because, as Jonas Geust the VP of the Mobile Computers Department from Nokia has said in a phone conversation with Tim Long, an analyst working for the Bank of America, not many people will think the iPhone is the ideal mobile phone.
The reasons sustaining his claim are the touch screen of the device which, despite some positive feedback Nokia has received in some of its studies related to these types of products, lots of people have issues. They said it is very hard to keep the touchscreen's surface clean and some of them disliked the fact that these types of devices are very hard to use with one hand, making them a nightmare while driving.
Another reason is the 2.5G technology the iPhone has. That will not be fast enough for the future iPhone users and, as the Nokia VP said, Apple should have opted for the 3G technology to provide its customers with a richer user experience.
The third reason was its not so bright camera, a 3 to 5 megapixels one should have been more appropriate according to Geust. I have to make a stand here and tell everyone reading this article that megapixels are not the things that make a photo better, the thing that makes it better being the lenses it uses and the software that will process the image obtained on the sensor.
The fourth and last reason referred to the iPhone storage space, Geust saying the 4 to 8 GB to be available on the iPhone will be enough only for music storage but, a user that will also want to watch videos and store its personal photos for later viewing, will feel the need for up to 16-32 GB o storage space.
In conclusion, the iPhone is not the ultimate communication device you might have thought and, even more, it might have some serious drawbacks in its fight with the handsets the other mobile phone manufacturers will release as its competition.
The new iPhone goes on sale today and will retail for $499. The 16GB model takes its place alongside the 8GB model (which remains at $399), and will not replace it, according to Apple. You can found out more after the jump...]
New Feature: Donate
Please Donate, we are low on money and we need a better server. If you donate, we will also provide you with an unlimited access to online streaming movies! Just e-mail me after you've donated!