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Who would have thought Nokia doesn't like what the iPhone ended up to be? I was one of the guys that had at least a small suspicion that they don't really have a soft spot for Apple's cellphone. No wonder because they haven't taken an official statement regarding that device since it was unveiled during the Steve Jobs' keynote
at MacWorld, in the beginning of January.
Why are they saying the iPhone is no good? Because, as Jonas Geust the VP of the Mobile Computers Department from Nokia has said in a phone conversation with Tim Long, an analyst working for the Bank of America, not many people will think the iPhone is the ideal mobile phone.
The reasons sustaining his claim are the touch screen of the device which, despite some positive feedback Nokia has received in some of its studies related to these types of products, lots of people have issues. They said it is very hard to keep the touchscreen's surface clean and some of them disliked the fact that these types of devices are very hard to use with one hand, making them a nightmare while driving.
Another reason is the 2.5G technology the iPhone has. That will not be fast enough for the future iPhone users and, as the Nokia VP said, Apple should have opted for the 3G technology to provide its customers with a richer user experience.
The third reason was its not so bright camera, a 3 to 5 megapixels one should have been more appropriate according to Geust. I have to make a stand here and tell everyone reading this article that megapixels are not the things that make a photo better, the thing that makes it better being the lenses it uses and the software that will process the image obtained on the sensor.
The fourth and last reason referred to the iPhone storage space, Geust saying the 4 to 8 GB to be available on the iPhone will be enough only for music storage but, a user that will also want to watch videos and store its personal photos for later viewing, will feel the need for up to 16-32 GB o storage space.
In conclusion, the iPhone is not the ultimate communication device you might have thought and, even more, it might have some serious drawbacks in its fight with the handsets the other mobile phone manufacturers will release as its competition.