Friday, March 14, 2008

1.1.4 Jailbreak

Step One:
Step Two: Launch ZiPhone
Step Three: For iPhone, Click Do Everything, for iPod touch, click Jailbreak
Step Four: Done!

Step Two: Follow On-Screen Instructions
Step Three: Done!

Did this work for you? Need More Detailed Instructions? Comment Below and I Promise to reply! Even if you are just browsing, throw a comment, so I know I have someone that visited my site!

Faxing and Document Managment

Wow. I was looking for a good fax service provider, and you know what, Axacore really did it. Cheap rates, Document management, excellent service. It was just wonderful. And with FaxAgent, I could also send any file with any SMTP service provider, including MS Exchange, Hotmail, Yahoo, EarthLink, etc... 

They also provide tracking services, fax software, and more. This was just, you know, heaven for me, personally... 

I know this blog is about iPhones, but This was just so good I had to write about it. After all, it can go with SIP-VoIP... To learn more.

NES Emulators on iPhone?

Says David Pogue ( Waxing enthusiastic about the forthcoming iPhone 2.0 software, Pogue explains that following its release, “there will be thousands of iPhone programs, covering every possible interest.” And they’ll be available 24/7 since “Apple will preinstall the iPhone Apps Store right on every phone.” The move will turn iPhone into “an engineering tool, a game console, a free-calls Skype phone, a business tool, a dating service, an e-book reader, a chat room, a database, an Etch-a-Sketch,” and, Pogue predicts “a gigantic success.

Note the Game Console in there; that means licensed emulators! 

Also, it looks like the apps are copies of those in the Jailbreak community; a skype phone (, Buisness tool (PocketMoney), dating service (iFob), eBook Reader (Books), chat room (MobileChat/Apollo), an Etch-A-Sketch (Sketches)!
How... Apple-like...