Monday, March 17, 2008

Website Change

NOTICE: The official website has changed to:

They both link to the same website. The new website is new, and 50% of the links do not work. 

The new website includes
  • Cleaner Layout
  • Easy Jailbreak Page
  • Disclaimer/Privacy Policy (Coming Soon)
  • Guestbook (Coming Soon)
For more information, E-Mail

Sunday, March 16, 2008

1.1.4 Jailbreak (Updated) - iPhone/iPod touch


Please leave comments at the bottom, I know I get quite a few visitors from my StatCounter, but none of them post comments
On wednesday, I got more than 64 unique visitors, but zero bothered to post a comment.

Please, just a reques t, even if there are no comments at the bottom, just post a 'hi', or 'this worked'... I'll help if there's anything wrong!
I have jailbroken and restored my iPod millions of times, and have lots of experiance here. So please, if you need any help, post a comment.

Like most of you I have been very frustrated with the ZiPhone bug which does NOT allow 16GB (not sure about 32GB) iPod Touchs to jailbreak 1.1.4

we've all seen the "BSD root: md0, major 2, minor 0" error and there is even a thread here that talks about it:

bottom line, ZiPhone does NOT work with the 16GB iPod Touch... for now.

EDIT: Now, it does. But oh, well, on w/ the post.

But I have just figured out how to get 1.1.4 jailbreak to work on my 16GB Touch and wanted to share with everyone how to do it. (I've been at this for the last 2 days but it has paid off)

1. You MUST downgrade to firmware 1.1.1 (just download the images of all the firmware files 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4 off the internet for future use). Using iTunes i clicked on RESTORE holding the SWIFT key (yes I'm running Windows XP Pro)

2. Once the iPod Touch is back to running 1.1.1 I went to and installed the Installer (I think we've all done this at some point). TURN OFF AUTO-LOCK!!!!! (this is VERY VERY important, its in the SETTINGS, GENERAL section)

3. Here is what I installed:
***a. Install "Community Sources"
***b. Install BSD Subsystem 2.1
***c. Install BSD Subsystem 2.0 termfix
***d. Install “OktoPrep” which preps your iPod Touch for firmware 1.1.2 

4. Go to iTunes and UPGRADE (NOT RESTORE) using the shift key again to 1.1.2

5. This would be a good time to go on the internet and get the file you will need this next. (google it)
( make sure you still have these installed )
***a. "Community Sources"
***b. "BSD Subsystem 2.1"
***c. "BSD Subsystem 2.0 termfix"

6. Turn off iTunes (be sure it is not running in the task manager) Unzip the file and (FIRST MAKE SURE AUTO-LOCK IS TURNED OFF ON THE IPOD TOUCH) then run "windows.bat" on your 1.1.2 Touch. It should find it and start the process... I highly recommend you just leave it alone and have it plugged into the USB port for power (the last thing you want is to run out of power during this process).

7. Once this is done (it will reboot a couple of times so be sure to let it finish) you are now running 1.1.2 Jailbreak. Now go back to the installer icon (which will now reappear on the main menu indicating the jailbreak worked). go to SOURCES and EDIT, then ADD. type in "" this case sensitive so MAKE SURE IT IS SPELLED CORRECTLY. Let the sources refresh.

8. I went out of Installer and let the system refresh too, then went back inside Installer. Now go to INSTALL and find BSD subsystem (easiest is to find it in ALL PACKAGES) make sure to install it. (there may be 2 BSD packages, just install them both if it lets you)

9. Go back to the main list and look for MOBILE JAILBREAK. This would have been there before (if you added the source correctly) but the actual app errors out "ERROR, Main script execution failded!" unless you install the BSD Subsystem FIRST. (AGAIN, DOUBLE CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT AUTO-LOCK IS STILL OFF) If you do this right, when you execute the 1.1.2-1.1.4 jailbreak in the MOBILE JAILBREAK section this will start without any errors.

This takes a WHILE... at least 20 minutes. I highly suggest not running this off battery as there is a very good chance you will run out of power. I kept mine pugged into my USB port (ITUNES STAYS OFF). During the whole process... it is 100% AUTOMATIC so when it is done it will simply restart and THATS IT!!! You will see that you are now running 1.1.4 Jailbreak, with all the APPS (mail, stocks, weather, etc)... :-) !
Fixed a Few errors in his thread below:

"your ipod "ipod" could not be restored an unknown error has occured (1)"?

Use this tutorial:

(I don't know if you guys like linking to other sites its just a really annoying error).

OktoPrep isn't on the list of installable apps?

SHIFT CLICK the Update BUTTON to do manual updates I feel he didn't describe it that well.

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