Thursday, March 27, 2008

iPhone SDK Updated

Today apple release an updated version of their Iphones SDK (software development kit) the updated version of the IPhone SDK includes Interface Builder, Xcode IDE, Instruments, IPhone simulator, frameworks and samples, compilers, and Shark analysis tool.

To test your code directly on IPhone and distribute your application on the App Store, apply to the IPhone Developer Program.

Apple released the first version of the iPhone SDK on March 6th. The SDK allows developers to create their own applications. The applications will be available for download when the 2.0 Iphone Software Update is realesed, in june. MacMatte speculated that the 2.0 released with the accompaniment of an newer iphone, find the post Here. The download page is here

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

iPhone 2.0

By now, most of our reads have heard of the fabled Iphone 2 but as I found out may people do not know what it’s is happening. Steve jobs has confirmed that the Iphone 2 is in the works but didn’t give any details but CEO of AT&T, Randall Stephenson accidentally leaked information that his company was working with Apple to create a 3G compatible Iphone. Confirming many 3g Iphone rumors. For all those that don’t know what 3g is, 3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology, Typically, service providers, provide service at 5-10 Mb per second.(megabits) the higher speeds allow users to have access to a wider array o features such as video calling and high speed internet everywhere. But there have been other flurries of rumors suggesting GPS will be on the Iphone 2 but this seems unlikely, with a 3g chip already eating away at the Iphones battery a GPS chip will definitely cripple the Iphone. Also on that matter apple already signed a contract with Skyhook for the “maps with location” feature of 1.1.3. my views an this matter are that most likely we will see a new Iphone at WWDC (apple’s World Wide Developers Conference) as depicted in the WWDC invitation (two bridges one for Mac one for Iphone) so stay tuned for more updates. 

Don’t forget to visit my BETA site  MacMatte

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JavaScript Code Locks up iPod touches/iPhones

Denizhan Heatherway

a new exploit of safari always maliciously code to lock up you iphone or ipod touch or cause safari to crash in mac/pc. Unlike an earlier exploit that required users to click to become infected, the new code published by iPhoneWorld requires no user interaction. so far apple has had no comment.

The code was first reported in January and exhausts the memory in Safari, which in turn will cause your iPhone or iPod Touch to freeze, or your desktop Safari to crash."Given the nature of this issue," said the BugTraq newsgroup vulnerability report, "remote code execution may also be possible, but this has not been confirmed."

There is no patch available from Apple. The recommended workaround is to disable Javascript within Safari. To do so:

      1. Under Edit, click Preferences.
      2. Click the Security icon.
      3. Uncheck Enable JavaScript.
      4. Close and restart Safari.

Don’t forget to visit my website, MacMatte

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jailbreak and Unlock 1.1.4 iPhone/iPod touch

Please go to the 1.1.4 Jailbreak iPhone and iPod touch for a more detailed instructions

Part One: Jailbreak
-Download ZiPhone from
-Click 'Do It All!' for iPhone, and 'Jailbreak' for iPod touch
-You are done! If unlocking does not work, follow Step 2

Step 2: Unlocking
-Open 'Installer'
-Download AnySim

It's that simple! If it does not work, then scroll down two posts below

Thank You!