From the Times, reworded and written by John Delaney, Webmaster of MacScene and iFoneSite:
The 3G iPhone. Rumored to come out early 2008. Slim, slider phone with a full QWERTY Keyboard. Equipped with the SGOLD3 3G Chip, it will be the revolutionizing phone of the decade. 2 Million of them will be put out in stores all across America, and countless more in England, Germany, France, Australia, and possibly Canada. Longer Battery life is also key to the large improvement.
AppStore and the iPhone SDK are also large additions in the software perspective, bringing an expensive version of to iPhone.
But Wait... Slider Phone? There's only one error that the Times Stated. Jobsy personally criticized the use of a hard-keyboard. Whatever the case, all we have to do is wait. And wait. And Wait. And.... Wait.